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How to Build Fintech Products

Many financial service products boil down to a common set of primitives. Learn how to use those to build new product quickly.

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Building fintech products is hard. But with a few shortcuts, you can build a functional app in less than a day. Download our eBook and learn how to use our simple APIs to launch new products that support multiple payment methods, track and reconciles payments, and record balances in real time. Here's what you'll learn:

  • Digital Wallet: Wallets can become complicated quickly when dealing with many transactions. Learn how to scale them effortlessly, without sacrificing auditability.
  • Invoice Factoring: Learn how to gracefully handle the different bank accounts and payment failures that can arise when building a working capital solution.
  • Escrow: Incoming wire payments can be difficult to attribute for any escrow service. Learn how to build escrow that automatically reconciles all incoming payments.

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