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Updated Dashboard
We are excited to launch a new dashboard today.
We are excited to launch a new dashboard today. We updated our dashboard for two reasons. The first is to help our customers manage their day-to-day payment operations more effectively by giving them easier access to the tasks and information they need from the moment they log in.
The second goal of our new dashboard is to help our customers understand their business performance using the data in Modern Treasury. Our dashboard now includes important metrics related to transaction volume that can be used to answer questions like: How is this month relative to last month? What does our quarter-on-quarter growth look like?
In this post, we’ll go through the new widgets on our dashboard to highlight the new and improved functionality we’re releasing.
Reconciled Transaction Volume
Customers will be able to easily query for and see the sum of reconciled transaction volume in all currencies across all their accounts.
Customers can filter the grouping of reconciled volume by days, weeks, months, quarters or years.
Customers can also look at reconciled volume within a specific bank account.
Real-Time Balances
Collecting bank account balances across different accounts or banks can be a tedious process. Modern Treasury will automatically pull account balances and display the most recent balance information in a single location. It will show the total cash position across all connected bank accounts and how recent that information is.
Clicking on the bank-currency row will reveal the dropdown of all accounts held at that bank in that currency. Clicking on the sub-account row will bring the user to the transactions home page for that account.
Highlighted Action Items
The Today’s Tasks widget helps highlight important events that a user might have to respond to. For now, this widget will include information about new ACH returns and any payment orders the user has yet to approve.
Clicking on the action item row will bring the user to the return or approval queue.
Continuously Updated Performance Metrics
The Metrics widget helps users distill their financial performance in the current month (or quarter or year) compared to the same point in the previous period. This widget displays summed payment order information to help assess how the customer is growing in three categories:
- Payouts - all payment orders sending money outbound to counterparties.
- Charges - all payment orders pulling money from counterparties.
- Transfers - how much money is moved between the customer’s connected accounts
Each metric is calculated in the current period and the last period. For example, if the date is the 15th of the month and the widget filter is set to “Month-to-Date”, the current period display will show the total for each metric summing payment orders from the 1st of the current month through the 15th. The last period display will show the total of the respective payment orders from the 1st of last month through the 15th of last month. That way, the customer can assess their growth in the current period to their equivalent performance in the last.
A user can also filter for payment order metrics originating from a specific account.
Recent Activity Feed
The dashboard will display the ten most recent payment items. Each row is clickable and links the user directly to the activity item. For now, this feed includes created payment orders and ACH returns. This feed provides a simple way to monitor and navigate to activity with your organization.
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